Wherever you go, there you are. That’s where you live, even if only for a day.
I’ve been fortunate to be able to travel to many interestng places - and my OneNote for each city is my “bible” for colleaugues who ask me “what should I see in London”? The world is filled with amazing people, sites and foods. Now I’d like to share that with you.
At one point, I traveled so often my kids wondered if I was in espionage. Now, my oldest asks me for travel tips. A general rule, especially on a business trip, is to find a way to see the place - and restaruants don’t count. If you’re pressed for time, visit a grocery or a market to experience how locals shop and eat outside the five star tourist spots. (Also, changing planes somewhere doesn’t count as a visit.)

Whidbey Island
Discover this green jewel of an island, north of Seattle in the Salish Sea.